
We have 2 seasons: Fall and Winter. We are strict about being on time and present.

We have 2* seasons per year, Fall and Winter, and meet once a week.

Our Fall season has 8 sessions, generally begins in September and completes before Daylight Savings ends in November.

Winter season begins 4 weeks before January tryouts and is held on the weekend due to lack of daylight after school.

We use TeamSnap to communicate with the club which will provide reminders, set schedules, updates, and player information for each multi-week session. Most of you are familiar with this as it’s the app of choice for NOLL SOLL teams.

We expect that everyone be ready to play at the time practice begins, so please come a few minutes early at the latest. And we expect that every session is attended: if you know you will miss more than 2 practices in fall more than 1 in winter, please let us know. And if getting a ride is an issue, we can try to help out with that.

*We are considering a short Summer Session to keep the momentum going for those who just finished Little League.