
Along with baseball fundamentals, we hold great value for good listening, respecting all players, and hustling. All these things combined make up the key components to having fun.

This is a drills-for-skills baseball training where we focus on throwing form, swinging technique, fielding and sportsmanship. When a player understands these fundamentals, the joy of the game elevates and their willingness to play and practice increases.

Every player understands that they need to throw a ball, but not all understand the mechanics that will improve accuracy, speed and control.

Every player knows that they should swing at a pitch, but not all know that there’s a series of events that start before the pitcher releases the ball and ends after the ball is hit (or missed) that will improve power, accuracy and efficiency.

Every player knows to try to field the ball if it comes to them, but not all have the confidence it takes to get in front of a ground ball, keep their gloves down and popup ready to throw.

We cover all these aspects and instill good baseball sportsmanship: listening, respecting teammates and oneself, and hustling. This takes no talent, but definitely needs development. In the competitive divisions, if a coach sees that a player has great sportsmanship, they are more likely to choose them over a player who doesn’t if it comes down to a few players to choose between. We definitely want the players to be themself and we do not think these attributes will change that.

Lastly, we want full buy-in from the player. You might want this for them, but they need to want it in order for our sessions to be effective. We want to chat with each player before accepting them into the club. This will be pretty casual, but if they make it obvious that they don’t want to be there, then we will accept their feelings on the matter.

Currently we only accept 6 players at a time. The players we look for really love baseball, but really need the help understanding the fundamentals. These are not the best for baseball, just the best for Home Plate Fun.

If your player wants to spend time during the offseason becoming more comfortable with their fundamental skills while practicing good sportsmanship, please register. We’ll set up the interview at that time.