Frequently Asked Questions

What is Home Plate Fun?

Home Plate Fun is a drills for skills organization geared towards players who need more attention to their fundamental abilities.

How many players do you take per session?

As of now, we have 2 session (8 weeks in Fall and 4 weeks in Winter). We only take 6 players per session in order to provide the attention the players need in order to “get” what it takes to be fundamentally sound at throwing, fielding and swinging.

What day of the week and how long are your practices?

We hold practices on Wednesdays during the session. Each practice is 1 hour. It’s important that your player shows up on time to make most of the time they have.

What do you expect from the players?

We expect that our players show up on time to every practice. Along with covering baseball fundamentals, we also teach some behavioral practices that will help the players grow into their own. We emphasize listening, respecting teammates, hustling, responsibility for equipment (from packing it to carrying it to and from practice), and having fun. These expectations are our key takeaways. If the players become top level at all these things, they will have fun.

How much does each session cost?

This is free! Throughout the year we accept donations from the community and sponsors to pay for the field rental and insurance along with used balls and any other equipment we might need. We work very hard to get this done, so it’s important that each player who makes it into our organization works hard during the time we have with them.

How can I help?

As a parent or guardian goes, simply get them here on time. Do as little as possible to prep them for each practice (let them pack their own bags and carry them). Feed them before and pack them a snack. We do not need extra coaches. You may watch, but we appreciate no coaching from the sidelines. And if you know someone who’d like to sponsor or donate to our organization, please send them to the site!